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Coronavirus, global warming, return to nationalism: to the benefit of Business partnerships

We are living in an eventful period. Between the global coronavirus health crisis , the awareness of global warming and the return to nationalism, partnerships between companies will know their peak.

Global concern for the coronavirus COVID-19 is spreading around the world at high speed and is cause for concern. But its consequences are not only health: COVID-19 has a significant impact on the economy.

Conferences around the globe no longer take place, business trips are disrupted, production is experiencing a sharp slowdown etc.

From globalization to a return to nationalism Our world is experiencing a real turning point in its mode of operation: we are gradually moving from blind globalization to the return of a nationalist policy. Even before the borders being closed, according to a Harvard Business Review article last year, nations are more focused on national business relationships.

Awareness of the current climate The current climate situation is raising awareness. More and more, alternatives are being implemented to limit the ecological impact as much as possible. For example, certain movements of people are becoming scarce to reduce the carbon footprint.

Business Partnerhips between companies, the solution to international economie Whether because of COVID-19, global warming or a nationalist policy, companies and their collaborators are finding it increasingly difficult to travel. Going to meet potential clients abroad becomes complicated or impossible.

Operating with a network of partners is the ideal solution for expanding internationally. Indeed, each company could limit its direct sales to the geographic area in which it is located and would rely on a network of partners to develop abroad.

For example, you are a French SME based in Paris. Thus, you have a direct sale of some Business Developers for France and the few neighboring countries. You want to expand globally internationally. However, the current context does not allow you to make business trips, or with difficulty, abroad to meet your prospects.

Thus, forming partnerships with companies located in the target countries will allow you to sell your offers internationally without difficulty. In this way, your ambition to internationalize will not be slowed down by the current context.

However, building partnerships without going through the real-life meeting stage is complex. [1] Indeed, it is usually quite standard to participate in conferences to meet the right partners. However, if most of these are canceled, this is no longer possible.

But thanks to a good AI and a database of complementarities between companies, you will be able to find the ideal partners without having to travel. With, take advantage of AI to find the right partners for your offers to develop in any country. In addition, discover the current offers that are experiencing the greatest growth in your field. [1] Discover our article to build and manage a partner relationship in 7 steps:

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